Monday, November 20, 2006

The Things I Hate

Hate is such a strong word, which is why I use it as often as possible.
It's time once again to update the list of things I hate. While they may appear random, the following items have one thing in common. For often mysterious and unknown reasons the following things make me very, very angry.

+ World Music
+ Biting your tongue
+ People that yell "get in the hole" at golf tournaments.
+ Magicians / Illusionists
+ Window decals 1 | 2
+ All black outfits
+ Dr. Pepper
+ Mama's Family
+ Contemporary musicals
+ Whoopi Goldberg
+ Diamondplating
+ White collars on colored dress shirts

I'm certain that I am forgetting a few things. I'll try to muster up enough hateful recollection in time for Christmas. In the meantime feel free to add your very own petty annoyances and aggravations to the comments of this post.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The following things make me angry - itchy sweaters, lunch food that stinks up the office, vegetarian entrees, and the kids who kick the back of my seat whenever I'm on an airplane.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate lists of things people hate.

8:53 AM  

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